Tuesday, 16 March 2021



This blog is about banana flower recipe, an authentic Bengali dish named “MOCHAR GHONTO”.

 “GHONTO” in Bengali means a vegan recipe with different spices like cumin powder, coriander

 powder, turmeric powder, red chili powder etc. The main ingredient of ghonto recipe is either

 “Mocha/banana flower “or “Mulo/radish” or “cabbage”, something like that. The sweetness in

 “Ghonto” is preferably more than any other dish of Bengalis. We add deshi ghee and garam masala

 powder in this recipe to enhance the taste.

Before I share the recipe I want to discuss about the healthy sides of banana flowers.


ORIGIN: Southeast Asia. Indo Burma region is considered as the center of origin of banana.


COLORS: Color of main bud is red orange to deep purple. Flowers are white or cream color.

The flower is large which grows from the end of the bunch of bananas and has dark purple red blossom.

 The small flowers would be found inside part which would turn into the banana. It is included in the

 diet as the vegetables. 


It is helpful in


0    Curing infection.

2)      Overcoming diabetes and anemia

3)      Improves lactation

4)      Reduce the radical activity.

5)       Menstrual problems and weightless.

6)      Rich source of vitamins and minerals (vitamin-C, A, E), FIBER and POTASSIUM.

7)      Boost mood (due to presence of high level of magnesium) and reduce anxiety.

8)      Anti ageing power.

9)      Healthy uterus.

10 Gastrointestinal healthy

11 Helps to cure cancer and heart disease.

12  Helps in neural disorders: The free radicals may cause Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease which may be prevented by consuming banana flowers regularly.

13   Regulates blood pressure.

14   Lowers the blood cholesterol and promotes the functional efficiency of kidneys.


The fresh and firm banana flower should be purchased. It should be free from cuts and blemishes,

 smooth appearance and bright. The overlapping of outer leaves should be tight. I am eager to tell you

 that I got the beautiful and fresh banana flower from our backyard garden. So you can imagine the

 freshness of the banana flower.


This is very important part in cooking process of banana flowers. At the very beginning of my married

 life I used to become puzzled to cut and to ready for cooking banana flowers. It was very difficult job

 for me to do the same. Frankly speaking it made me tired, I feel annoyed. It’s loathsome.

But now it is easier for me. To get full healthy benefits from banana flowers you have to know how to

 cut and clean it properly.

1)      First take some mustard oil on the palm to prevent them from getting discoloured while you peel off the flower.

2)      Slowly take out each bract and gather tiny florets.

3)      Continue doing so till you touch the innermost portion where you will notice a bulb of yellow shade.

Take out stamens and sheathes from each florets .It is a tough job but it has to be done otherwise it will hamper the boiling of florets.

4)       Now take each floret and remove its transparent covering as well as the tiny sized head.

5)      Then cut all the florets into small pieces.

Boil all pieces of florets in pressure cooker. Add turmeric powder and little salt while boiling it will

 reduce iron content and the taste will be better.

Now I am sharing the typical Bengali banana flower recipe …”MOCHAR GHONTO”.



1)      Banana flower : boiled floret pieces (quantity : 1 medium bowl )

2)      Boiled potatoes: 3 medium sizes potatoes cut into small square pieces.



1)      Turmeric powder: ½ teaspoon

2)      Cumin powder : 1 ½ tablespoons

3)      Coriander powder :2 Tablespoons

4)      Red chili powder: ½ teaspoon

5)      Garam masala powder: ½ teaspoon

6)      Ginger paste: 1 tablespoon

7)      Deshi ghee: 11/2 tablespoon

8)      Mustard oil: ½  tea cup

9)      Salt accordingly

10)  For sweetness: I use artificial sweetener( 2 tablets),you may use sugar(1 ½ tablespoons)

1)      “Bori”: 5 to 6 in numbers. It is a special Bengali item which is made from dal. These are

 used in “Ghonto”, “Sukto”,””Niramish jhol” like these Bengali dishes.


1)      Whole cumin seed: 1 teaspoon

2)      Bay leaf: 1 piece

3)      Red chili: 1

4)      Cinnamon stick: 1 inch size



Take boiled florets in a bowl. Smash all florets with hands and keep aside. Keep boiled potato pieces in

 another bowl. Place a karai on gas oven, switch on gas. Pour mustard oil in required amount. Add

 “boris” in hot oil and fry .Take out “boris” and keep aside. Add whole cumin seeds, bay leaf, cinnamon

 stick and whole red chili in it. After splattering as the oil is being hot, add boiled potato pieces to fry.

 Light frying has to be made, when boiled potato pieces turn light brown add smashed boil banana

 flowers in it. Stir continuously; now add cumin powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder, and red

 chili powder accordingly. After mixing all spices add ginger paste and again stir. At this time add salt

 .Continuous stirring is very necessary for perfect cooking .Now oil is separated from the curry add

 sweetener in it. Bengali “GHONTO” recipe is a sweet taste based dish. So we use more sweet than any

 other recipes.

Keep all fried dal “bori” in karai now; add garam masala powder and deshi ghee. Mix all well. Our

“MOCHAR GHONTO” is ready to serve.

Take “MOCHAR GHONTO “with hot rice.

I am happy for sharing this traditional Bengali dish. I will share "mochar kofta" bengali recipe in my

 next blog post.

Thank you.

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